I had an opportunity to do a little photography in upstate PA and NY recently and thought I would just share a couple images for you. First I visited the Wellsboro area where I spent a great deal of my early life growing up. There are many opportunities for photographs in this area especially during the fall peak color, but this day I found myself, my brother and his son walking down the Turkey Path located at the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon. This canyon is really just a simple gorge that winds threw a few mountains, but none the less it is a beautiful attraction and well worth the visit. At the bottom of the canyon there is a small river called Pine Creek where as a child I spent many hours trying to catch trout and Small Mouth Bass with my grandfather. I rarely caught any fish, but my grandfather could catch fish even on the worst of days.
About a half mile down the Harrison Park Turkey Path there is a creek running along the trail called Four Mile Creek. Since this creek is running off the side of the mountain it creates a series of cascading waterfalls surrounded by moss covered rocks. Eventually Four Mile runs all the way down the mountain and empties into Pine Creek. Although the water flow was a bit low, I did manage to grab a few shots. What I really like about the shot below is the extreme green caused by the rich soil and large amount of rainfall earlier in the summer. The cascading water provides a serene scene. Sorry the resolution is kind of poor here.
Four Mile Creek Falls, Pennsylvania Grand Canyon - © Matt Cuda 2013 |
Next, Rick, Thomas and I headed up to a park where I had never visited. The park is called Letchworth State Park and it is no doubt on my top ten list of places to go back and visit for fall color. The park, is located in the north western region of New York state and is known for a large gorge winding its way through many miles of the park. At the base of the gorge runs the beautiful Genesee River. I have to admit when we saw this gorge we all were in total amazement at the shear raw beauty laid out before us. The gorge is highlighted by three large waterfalls called upper, middle and lower falls. If you enjoy viewing powerful falls then this is the place for you. All three of these falls are utterly amazing. My only complaint at this park is that we were not allowed access to the creek river bed. I have to admit this doesn't surprise me as New York has always been the land of silly and useless laws. Below is a shot of middle falls looking down the gorge. This park appears to have been designed for upper middle class to higher class individuals and there are many amenities here to prove that. It is not often that one can find ice cream stands, inns and museums in the rugged mountains. There is also a fairly modest 8.00 per car price tag for entry into the park, but considering NY citizens are footing the bill for the park, I thought any charge is kind of sad really.
Middle Falls, Letchworth State Park - © Matt Cuda 2013 |
Upper Falls along the Genesee River - © Matt Cuda 2013 |
In conclusion, if you enjoy nature, then don't miss either of these parks. I promise you will not be disappointed. To view these images in better resolution, and see other park images, feel free to visit my flicker site at